Comics in the Wild 18

It’s been a while since we did one of these, showcasing a collection of vintage photographs from the past showing classic comic books either on sale or being read and enjoyed by the readership of yesteryear. And a few publicity photos or stills from assorted television shows or films. These are always fun to look at, so here are a bunch more of these photographic treasures.

I still have a ton of these squirreled away, so I’ll try not to take so much time between installments in the future.

4 thoughts on “Comics in the Wild 18

  1. These are fantastic, thanks for sharing! I love seeing things like “your favorite comics” in what must be around August 1948 – GUNS! MURDER! CRIME! CRIME! CRIME! and two different issues of the bi-monthly Human Torch, who must not have been selling so well by then.

    And that great colour photo of roughly January 1955, when the crime’s almost extinct (“Crime Does Not Pay” still lingering on) and superheroes not doing much better either – Superman and Batman still exist, C.B. in Boy Comics had stopped being any kind of costumed hero by that point, all the other long-underwear types are gone…


    1. I’m fairly sure that second image (with the issue of Doctor Strange) is a still taken from an early part of Nic Roeg and Donald Cammell’s “Performance” (or Donald Cammell and Nic Roeg’s “Performance” if that’s ones preference, as if there’s one film that reaches Lee/Kirby aka Kirby/Lee levels of disagreement over authorship, this is it).

      I rewatched less than a year ago and this part really stood out as the presence of an American comic in a British film of this era is atypical. Released in 1970 but filmed two years earlier and then sat on, probably because it was about as far from what the investors were expecting when signing up for a gangster film with Mick Jagger.


  2. the 12th photo from the bottom features several comic that went on sale in January, 1955, including World’s Finest #75. Cool.


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