Lost Crossovers: Jerry Lewis Meets the Flash

As the Silver Age of Comics began to wind down, while the fortunes of the assorted super heroes whose careers had helped to define that period were similarly on the wane, it was other genres which were feeling the pinch the most. Among the titles having a bit of a rough go of it was … Continue reading Lost Crossovers: Jerry Lewis Meets the Flash


UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN was the series that brought me to the attention of fandom, the first truly successful title that I worked on, at least from a critical standpoint. And this didn't have so much to do with me as it did Kurt Busiek and Pat Olliffe, the creative team that produced most of … Continue reading Personal Best: UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #1, 1996


There was a bit of a stigma attached to Marvel's regular reprint titles among at least the comic book readers in my community in the 1970s--despite the fact that we all bought and read them. That's because we wanted to experience the stories. But the prevailing wisdom at the time was that these reprints were … Continue reading BHOC: MARVEL SUPER-HEROES #73

STAR-STUDDED COMICS #4 and the Birth of the Liberty Legion

STAR-STUDDED COMICS was a long-running fanzine of the Silver into the Bronze Age that specialized in fan-created comic book stories. It was originated and published by a threesome of fans who became known as the "Texas Trio": Buddy Saunders, Howard Keltner and Larry Herndon. It ran for 18 issues from September of 1963 to the … Continue reading STAR-STUDDED COMICS #4 and the Birth of the Liberty Legion

Simon & Kirby: When Fighting American Stole From Starman

FIGHTING AMERICAN is a well-remembered series produced by the Joe Simon & Jack Kirby Studio in the 1950s. It started out as a reaction to the revival of Simon & Kirby's best-selling patriotic super hero at Atlas Comics, Captain America--they figured that if the public wanted that kind of a character, they were better suited … Continue reading Simon & Kirby: When Fighting American Stole From Starman

The First Book-Length Superman Adventure

A short while back, we covered an issue of SUPERMAN that I had purchased in 1988 as a part of my big Windfall Comics buy. That issue featured a single full-length Superman adventure rather than the usual three shorter stories that the title typically ran. (That story was broken up into three discrete chapters so … Continue reading The First Book-Length Superman Adventure