Ever since I was six years old, the Flash has been my favorite super hero. There was something about the combination of elements--the slick costume, the simple power, the gallery of recurring villains, the sort of serious-but-not-too-serious tone of the strip--that really connected with me. But as time went on and I got older, both … Continue reading GH: THE FLASH #319


For some reason that I can't really recall, I had taken a short break of about three months from buying both SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS. I came back to both titles before too long, and eventually filled in the missing issues with 3-Bagged Whitman copies once they became available. But as for what drove me … Continue reading BHOC: ACTION COMICS #492


Well, it had happened again: I had missed an issue of a beloved comic book series, this time THE FLASH. While my ardor for it had cooled somewhat as my attention was taken up with my exploration of the Marvel Universe, the character and the book remained a sentimental favorite. But in recent months, my … Continue reading BHOC: THE FLASH #270


There's something that I don't really like about this ACTION COMICS cover. I'm not sure what it is--it's a nice piece done by the usually-winning combination of Curt Swan and George Klein. Possibly it's the light green background that puts me off here, I don't know. But the fact remains, I don't find this cover … Continue reading WC: ACTION COMICS #324