UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN was the series that brought me to the attention of fandom, the first truly successful title that I worked on, at least from a critical standpoint. And this didn't have so much to do with me as it did Kurt Busiek and Pat Olliffe, the creative team that produced most of … Continue reading Personal Best: UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #1, 1996

Personal Best: FANTASTIC FOUR #60

As anybody who knows me knows, my favorite Marvel comic book is FANTASTIC FOUR. It was my entranceway into the Marvel Universe in the first place, and it and its characters remained close to my heart. Once I became a full-fledged editor, I made it very clear to people that the next time there was … Continue reading Personal Best: FANTASTIC FOUR #60

Personal Best: SPIDER-BOY #1

This was perhaps the first truly excellent comic book that I put out, a single issue that accomplished its mandate exceptionally well and delivered on teh promise-of-the-premise in fine fashion. It's always going to be a little bit awkward talking about books I worked on in such glowing terms, so please understand that when I … Continue reading Personal Best: SPIDER-BOY #1

Personal Best: SILVER SURFER #11

It's somehow a little bit too self-aggrandizing for me to talk about any of the comics I've edited over the years as a PERFECT GAME, the category that I might have featured this issue under. Given that it won the Eisner Award for Best Single Issue in 2016, though, I feel as though there's a … Continue reading Personal Best: SILVER SURFER #11