The marketing build-up to the premiere of SUPERMAN THE MOVIE was gathering speed, and one of the benefits of it was this, the final FAMOUS 1st EDITION that DC produced during the 1970s (though they'd bring the format back to a limited degree in recent years.) These were Treasury Edition sized reproductions of the most … Continue reading BHOC: FAMOUS 1st EDITION #C-61


Another 1966 issue of ACTION COMICS, and another one in which the content is hard-pressed to match the title. The book wasn't about action at this point at all, despite the name. This issue presented another story in the short-lived "Superman of 2965" series, which postulated the adventures of the Man of Steel's descendant 1000 … Continue reading WC: ACTION COMICS #338


Now this comic book I know was given to me by my friend David Steckel. As I've mentioned before, David was a thorough Marvel Zombie (before that term came into widespread use) and he found all DC comics to be juvenile kiddy stuff--which, in al honesty, they largely were. So he had less than no … Continue reading BHOC: SUPERMAN’S GIRL FRIEND LOIS LANE #104


It must have been becoming clear to editor Stan Lee that the quirky back-up strip that he'd let artist Steve Ditko introduce was growing in popularity among the readership. So while it would still be several months before Doctor Strange would headline a STRANGE TALES cover all on his own, he had gone from carrying … Continue reading WC: STRANGE TALES #121

Brand Echh: Mighty Comics #46

Time once again to check in on the exploits of the greatest of the mid-1960s Mighty Comics super heroes, the hen-pecked Web. As you'll recall from previous installments, Mighty Comics was Archie's attempt to get into teh super hero game at the height of Batmania by reviving all of their long underwear characters from the … Continue reading Brand Echh: Mighty Comics #46