Forgotten Masterpiece: LOS 4 FANTASTICOS #11

Here's another interesting find that I came across and for which I've been able to locate very little reliable information. As with the issues of EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA that we've been looking at from time to time, this issue of LOS 4 FANTASTICOS contains an original never-printed-in-the-United-States story featuring the Fantastic Four created by … Continue reading Forgotten Masterpiece: LOS 4 FANTASTICOS #11

Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA #165

I came across another stash of these Mexican issues of LA SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA that were published in the early 1970s, many of which contained new never-translated stories created exclusively for the Spanish-speaking marketplace by local talent, so popular was Spider-Man in those regions at the time that it had exhausted the supply of American … Continue reading Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA #165

Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA #154

Here's another in our series on the new Spider-Man stories that were written and drawn by local talent in Mexico for publisher La Prensa. This one's a real oddity for completely different reasons. To start with, Spidey himself is nowhere to be seen on this cover. The selling point is a positively scandalous image of … Continue reading Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA #154


At this point, I expect that most of you know the drill here. But to hastily recap for those who do not: in the early 1970s, demand for Spider-Man stories was so strong in Mexico that the Mexican publisher of Spidey's translated adventures, La Prensa, got permission from Marvel to produce all-new adventures of the … Continue reading Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA #150 and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #8

Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA #153 and DAREDEVIL #9

People certainly seemed to be interested in my earlier story about the assorted Spider-Man stories that were crafted for the voracious marketplace in Mexico in the early 1970s and which have not been translated or reprinted in English. So let's take a look at another one, since I happen to have a stack of these … Continue reading Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARANA #153 and DAREDEVIL #9

Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARAÑA #128

This is a story that picked up a lot of chatter over the past few years, and there's a ton of misinformation out there about it--largely because the story has never been reprinted, nor published in English, so people would see fragments of it, hear part of the story behind it, and then jump to … Continue reading Forgotten Masterpiece: EL SORPRENDENTE HOMBRE ARAÑA #128